Adaptive Error Detection Method for P300-based Spelling Using Riemannian Geometry

Published in International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications(ijacsa), Volume 7 Issue 11, 2016., 2017

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Abstract: Abstract: Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) systems have be-come one of the valuable research area of ML (Machine Learning) and AI based techniques have brought significant change in traditional diagnostic systems of medical diagnosis. Specially; Electroencephalogram (EEG), which is measured electrical ac-tivity of the brain and ionic current in neurons is result of these activities. A brain-computer interface (BCI) system uses these EEG signals to facilitate humans in different ways. P300 signal is one of the most important and vastly studied EEG phenomenon that has been studied in Brain Computer Interface domain. For instance, P300 signal can be used in BCI to translate the subject’s intention from mere thoughts using brain waves into actual commands, which can eventually be used to control different electro mechanical devices and artificial human body parts. Since low Signal-to-Noise-Ratio (SNR) in P300 is one of the major challenge because concurrently ongoing heterogeneous activities and artifacts of brain creates lots of challenges for doctors to understand the human intentions. In order to address above stated challenge this research proposes a system so called Adaptive Error Detection method for P300-Based Spelling using Riemannian Geometry, the system comprises of three main steps, in first step raw signal is cleaned by preprocessing. In second step most relevant features are extracted using xDAWN spatial filtering along with covariance matrices for handling high dimensional data and in final step elastic net classification algorithm is applied after converting from Riemannian manifold to Euclidean space using tangent space mapping. Results obtained by proposed method are comparable to state-of-the-art methods, as they decrease time drastically; as results suggest six times decrease in time and perform better during the inter-session and inter-subject variability.

Recommended citation: Attaullah Sahito, M. Abdul Rahman and Jamil Ahmed, “Adaptive Error Detection Method for P300-based Spelling Using Riemannian Geometry” International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications(ijacsa), 7(11), 2016.