CSC-04: Design & Analysis of Algorithms (Fall 2023)

Undergraduate course, The Shaikh Ayaz University, Department of CS, 2023

This is a draft course description for CSC-04: Design & Analysis of Algorithms taught in Fall 2023.

Course content

Introduction; role of algorithms in computing, Analysis on nature of input and size of input Asymptotic notations; Big-O, Big Ω, Big Θ, little-o, little-ω, Sorting Algorithm analysis, loop invariants, Recursion and recurrence relations; Algorithm Design Techniques, Brute Force Approach, Divide-and-conquer approach; Merge, Quick Sort, Greedy approach; Dynamic programming; Elements of Dynamic Programming, Search trees; Heaps; Hashing; Graph algorithms, shortest paths, parse graphs, String matching; Introduction to complexity classes.