CSC-06: Artificial Intelligence (Spring 2023)

Undergraduate course, The Shaikh Ayaz University, Department of CS, 2023

This is a draft course description for CSC-06: Artificial Intelligence taught in Spring 2023.

Course content

Introduction (Introduction, basic component of AI, Identifying AI systems, branches of AI, etc.); Reasoning and Knowledge Representation (Introduction to Reasoning and Knowledge Representation, Propositional Logic, First order Logic); Problem Solving by Searching (Informed searching, Uninformed searching, Local searching.); Constraint Satisfaction Problems; Adversarial Search (Min-max algorithm, Alpha beta pruning, Game-playing); Learning (Unsupervised learning, Supervised learning, Reinforcement learning) ;Uncertainty handling (Uncertainty in AI, Fuzzy logic); Recent trends in AI and applications of AI algorithms (trends, Case study of AI systems, Analysis of AI systems)